CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
It is also called as Style Sheets or Styles.
CSS is used to add more effects for our html page to make it more attractive.
Cascading means inheriting the features (styles).

     Eg: child inherits the features from parent
        Therefore, child features = parent features + his own features

We can embed CSS in HTML, JavaScript, Php, Jsp, Asp etc.,
The extension for css file is .css (contains only styles).

CSS styles are classified into three types:

Internal Style Sheet:
If we specify the styles in our html file itself, then they are called as internal styles.
These styles cannot be used in other files (i.e., if we want the same styles in other files, we should write them again in that other file).

External Style Sheet:
If we declare the styles outside our html file (as another file), then they are called External Styles.
These styles can be reusable i.e., they can be used for more than one file.
We save the external file consisting of styles with .css file extension.
The changes made in external files will effect all the html files which are using those styles.
External Style Sheet:

Inline Style Sheet:
we specify styles inside the tag in the body part. These styles will be applied only for that particular line.


CSS layouts separates presentation from coding. By using an external style sheet for a website, designers can now amend the layout through this style sheet and all the pages will be updated accordingly. For example, a simple class for paragraph can be used control the appearance of the paragraphs, padding and margins. If the appearance of all the paragraphs must be changed, the designer only needs to update a single file- style sheet.

Codes Rendering:
CSS layouts reduce the amount of codes in a file as compared to the traditional table-based designs. This reduction in codes will improve the website performance in the user-end. As some users may be using dial-up connection, web pages designed using CSS will definitely reduce the time required to load a web page. The total amount of file size is also reduced to minimum with the help of CSS templates.

Accessibility is very important as it make sure a web page can be properly interpreted by all users. A user reading a table-based design web page with the help of a screen reader will be having a great problem understanding the logic, just imagine the reader goes through columns by columns in those deeply nested tables. CSS templates also helps in arranging the layout logically to both the developers and all the users.


Static: This is normal position scheme. The left and top properties do not apply.

Relative: Offsets are relative to the box's normal position.

Absolute: Offsets are relative to the box's containing block.

Fixed: Offsets are the same as in the absolute model, but are fixed with respect to a particular point of reference. 

For Example: when viewed in a browser, fixed elements won't move when scrolled. 

The DIV Tag:
The div tag is a block-level tag because it encloses other tags and, importantly, it forces a line break on the page. Because it creates a line break before and after its enclosed content. Use of the tag.

The SPAN Tag:
A tag is an in-line tag placed around text for the purpose of identifying a string of characters to which this tag’s style sheet is applied. The tag can enclose a single letter, a word, a phrase, a sentence, or any other sub-string of text for the purpose of identifying it for application of styling. As an in-line tag, the tag surrounds a string of text enclosed inside a block-level container.


  1. CLASS Selector
  2. ID Selector
  3. DESCENDANT Selector
  4. GROUPING Selector

CLASS Selector:
CLASS selectors allow you to associate a class with a particular subset, or class, of elements. so if we had following rule:


font-weight: bold; 

ID Selector:
ID selectors works like class selectors except that they can only be used on one element per page


font-weight: bold; 

DESCENDENT SELECTORS specify that styles should only be applied
when the element in question is a descendant (for example a child or grand child) of another element. so this
h3 em 

color: white; 

GROUPING SELECTORS: can also specify the same set of rules for more than one selector, like this:

Just place a comma between each one.
You can even get more complex, and group multiple class and id selectors:
p.navigation, h1#content

Hexadecimal Notation:
p{ color:#FF0000; }
p{ color:#F00; }

Functional Notation:
p{ color:rgb(255,0,0); }
p{ color:rgb(100%,0%,0%); }

Property                       Value
background-attachment    fixed
background-color         color name / hexa decimal notation
background-image        path file
background-position       Sets the offsets left and top
background-repeat        repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat.


Property              Value
border               none, solid, dashed, dotted, ridge, groove, inset, outset.
margin               top, left, right, bottom.
padding              top, left, right, bottom.
position              static, relative, absolute, fixed.
float             left, right.
clear            left, right, both.
z-index         any number.
overflow         scroll, hidden.
visible          hidden.

Property                Value
font-family            arial, times new roman etc.
font-style             italic.
font-weight        bold
font-size          px, %.
font-variant        smallcaps.
line-height         px,%.
text-indent         px,%.
text-decoration     none, line-through, underline, overline.
text-align          left, right, center, justify.

Property              Description
a:link{..}           Set link properties.
a:active{...}           User activates an element (e.g. mouse down).
a:hover{...}           User designates an element (e.g. mouse over).

1 comment:

  1. Nice detailing with examples and images. Great work.. really helpful.
