EC2 - W

EC2 Windows Instance Creation Step By Step Process


Service EC2

How to Start / Stop / Terminate

Elastic Load Balancing


To Client Submission Instance Detail Documentation Demo

In this Project details are
·         Instance Name:     Date_20/04/2016
·         Instance ID:            i-26a40ca1

·         Public DNS: 
·         User name:            Administrator
·         Password:              )=38SgPY&m

·         Public IP:     
·         Instance type:        t2.micro
·         Availability zone:  us-east-1a
·         Security groups:   Gouri_first_Security_1. view rules
·         Platform:                windows
·         Key pair name:     Gouri_Demo_works.pem

Here we use t2.micro type and in this instance we don’t have extra volumes.  We used windows based AMI. Below are the instance details,

Vcpu:                       1(30GB including OS)
CPU credit/hours:   6
Mem (GiB):              1
Storage:                   EBS-only

In this instance we have installed development environments, build servers, code repositories, low-traffic, websites and web applications micro services, early product experiments, small data bases.

In this server we installed five software’s they are
·         VLC Player
·         Google chrome browser
·         WinRAR
·         CC Cline

·         Adobe PDF Viewer

Amazon EC2 FAQ’s

Q: What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)?
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.

Q: What is the difference between using the local instance store and Amazon Elastic Block storage (Amazon EBS) for the root device?
When you launch your Amazon EC2 instances you have the ability to store your root device data on Amazon EBS or the local instance store. By using Amazon EBS, data on the root device will persist independently from the lifetime of the instance. This enables you to stop and restart the instance at a subsequent time, which is similar to shutting down your laptop and restarting it when you need it again.
Alternatively, the local instance store only persists during the life of the instance. This is an inexpensive way to launch instances where data is not stored to the root device. For example, some customers use this option to run large web sites where each instance is a clone to handle web traffic.

Q: How many instances can I run in Amazon EC2?
You are limited to running up to 20 On-Demand instances, purchasing 20 Reserved Instances, and requesting Spot Instances per yourdynamic Spot limit per region.

Q: Are there any limitations in sending email from EC2 instances?
Yes. In order to maintain the quality of EC2 addresses for sending email, we enforce default limits on the amount of email that can be sent from EC2 accounts. If you wish to send larger amounts of email from EC2, you can apply to have these limits removed from your account by filling out this form.

Q: M1 and M3 Standard instances have the same ratio of CPU and memory. When should I use one instance over the other?
M3 instances provide better, more consistent performance that M1 instances for most use-cases.  M3 instances also offer SSD-based instance storage that delivers higher I/O performance. M3 instances are also less expensive than M1 instances. Due to these reasons, we recommend M3 for applications that require general purpose instances with a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. However, if you need more disk storage than what is provided in M3 instances, you may still find M1 instances useful for running your applications.

Q: Why am I limited to 5 Elastic IP addresses per region?
Public (IPV4) internet addresses are a scarce resource. There is only a limited amount of public IP space available, and Amazon EC2 is committed to helping use that space efficiently.
By default, all accounts are limited to 5 Elastic IP addresses per region. If you need more the 5 Elastic IP addresses, we ask that you apply for your limit to be raised. We will ask you to think through your use case and help us understand your need for additional addresses. You can apply for more Elastic IP address here. Any increases will be specific to the region they have been requested for.

Q: What happens to my data when a system terminates?
The data stored on a local instance store will persist only as long as that instance is alive. However, data that is stored on an Amazon EBS volume will persist independently of the life of the instance.

Q: Do you support multiple instances accessing a single volume?
While you are able to attach multiple volumes to a single instance, attaching multiple instances to one volume is not supported at this time.

Q: Will I be able to access my snapshots using the regular Amazon S3 APIs?
No, snapshots are only available through the Amazon EC2 APIs.

Q: Do volumes need to be un-mounted in order to take a snapshot? Does the snapshot need to complete before the volume can be used again?
No, snapshots can be done in real time while the volume is attached and in use. However, snapshots only capture data that has been written to your Amazon EBS volume, which might exclude any data that has been locally cached by your application or OS. In order to ensure consistent snapshots on volumes attached to an instance, we recommend cleanly detaching the volume, issuing the snapshot command, and then reattaching the volume. For Amazon EBS volumes that serve as root devices, we recommend shutting down the machine to take a clean snapshot.

Q: Do you offer encryption on Amazon EBS volumes and snapshots?
Yes. EBS offers seamless encryption of data volumes and snapshots. EBS encryption better enables you to meet security and encryption compliance requirements.

Q: What is the minimum time interval granularity for the data that Amazon CloudWatch receives and aggregates?
Metrics are received and aggregated at 1 minute intervals.

Q: Which operating systems does Amazon CloudWatch support?
Amazon CloudWatch receives and provides metrics for all Amazon EC2 instances and should work with any operating system currently supported by the Amazon EC2 service.

Q: Will I lose the metrics data if I disable monitoring for an Amazon EC2 instance?
You can retrieve metrics data for any Amazon EC2 instance up to 2 weeks from the time you started to monitor it. After 2 weeks, metrics data for an Amazon EC2 instance will not be available if monitoring was disabled for that Amazon EC2 instance. If you want to archive metrics beyond 2 weeks you can do so by calling mon-get-stats command from the command line and storing the results in Amazon S3 or Amazon SimpleDB.

Q: Can I access the metrics data for a terminated Amazon EC2 instance or a deleted Elastic Load Balancer?
Yes. Amazon CloudWatch stores metrics for terminated Amazon EC2 instances or deleted Elastic Load Balancers for 2 weeks.

Q: Does the Amazon CloudWatch monitoring charge change depending on which type of Amazon EC2 instance I monitor?
No, the Amazon CloudWatch monitoring charge does not vary by Amazon EC2 instance type.

Q: Can I scale up my Amazon EC2 capacity fast but scale it down slowly?
Yes. For example, you can define a scale up condition to increase your Amazon EC2 capacity by 10% and a scale down condition to decrease it by 5%.

Q: What happens if a scaling activity causes me to reach my Amazon EC2 limit of instances?
Auto Scaling Service cannot scale past the Amazon EC2 limit of instances that you can run. If you need more Amazon EC2 instances, complete the Amazon EC2 instance request form.

Q: What happens to my Amazon EC2 instances if I delete my Auto Scaling Group?
If you have an Auto Scaling group with running instances and you choose to delete the Auto Scaling group, the instances will be terminated and the Auto Scaling group will be deleted.

Q: Are Amazon EBS volume and snapshot ID lengths changing in 2016?
Yes, please visit the EC2 FAQ page for more details.
Q: What happens to my data when an Amazon EC2 instance terminates?
Unlike the data stored on a local instance store (which persists only as long as that instance is alive), data stored on an Amazon EBS volume can persist independently of the life of the instance. Therefore, we recommend that you use the local instance store only for temporary data. For data requiring a higher level of durability, we recommend using Amazon EBS volumes or backing up the data to Amazon S3. If you are using an Amazon EBS volume as a root partition, set the Delete on termination flag to "No" if you want your Amazon EBS volume to persist outside the life of the instance.
Q: What kind of performance can I expect from Amazon EBS volumes?
Amazon EBS provides four current generation volume types: Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1), General Purpose SSD (gp2), Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) and Cold HDD (sc1). These volume types differ in performance characteristics and price, allowing you to tailor your storage performance and cost to the needs of your applications. For more performance information see the EBS product details page.
For more information about Amazon EBS performance guidelines, see Increasing EBS Performance.
Q: Which volume should I choose?
Amazon EBS includes two major categories of storage: SSD-backed storage for transactional workloads (performance depends primarily on IOPS) and HDD-backed storage for throughput workloads (performance depends primarily on throughput, measured in MB/s). SSD-backed volumes are designed for transactional, IOPS-intensive database workloads, boot volumes, and workloads that require high IOPS. SSD-backed volumes include Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) and General Purpose SSD (gp2). HDD-backed volumes are designed for throughput-intensive and big-data workloads, large I/O sizes, and sequential I/O patterns. HDD-backed volumes include Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) and Cold HDD (sc1).
Q: How do I migrate an existing EBS volume to an EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume?
Migrating data from another volume type to a General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume is easy. Simply take a snapshot of the existing volume and create a General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume from the snapshot.
Q: Are EBS Standard Volumes still available?
EBS Standard Volumes have been renamed to EBS Magnetic volumes. Any existing volumes will not have been changed as a result of this and there are no functional differences in the EBS Magnetic offering compared to EBS Standard. The name of this offering was changed to avoid confusion with our General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume type which is our recommended default volume type.
Q: Are Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes available for all Amazon EC2 instance types?
Yes, Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes are available for all Amazon EC2 Instance Types. To enable your EC2 instances to use the IOPS provisioned on an EBS volume consistently and predictably, you can launch selected EC2 instance types as EBS-optimized instances. EBS-optimized instances deliver dedicated throughput between Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS, with options between 62.5 MB/s and 500 MB/s depending on the instance type used.

Q: What level of performance consistency can I expect to see from my Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes?
When attached to EBS-optimized instances, Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes are designed to deliver within 10% of the provisioned IOPS performance 99.9% of the time in a given year. Your exact performance depends on your application’s I/O requirements.
Q: What level of performance latency can I expect to see from my Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes?
When attached to EBS-optimized instances, Provisioned IOPS volumes can achieve single digit millisecond latencies. Your exact performance depends on your application’s I/O requirements.
Q: Does the I/O size of my application reads and writes affect the rate of IOPS I get from my Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes?
Yes. For a given allocation of resources, the IOPS rate you get depends on the I/O size of your application reads and writes. Provisioned IOPS volumes process your application reads and writes in I/O sizes of 256KB or less. Every increase in I/O size above 256KB increases linearly the resources you need to achieve the same IOPS rate. For example, if you have provisioned a volume with 500 IOPS, that means that it can handle up to 500 256KB writes per second, 250 512KB writes per second, or 125 1024KB writes per second, and so on. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your throughput and I/O sizes.
Q: What factors can affect the performance consistency I see with Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes?
Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes attached to EBS-optimized instances are designed to offer consistent performance, delivering within 10% of the provisioned IOPS performance 99.9% of the time over a given year. There are several factors that could affect the level of consistency you see. For example, taking a snapshot can affect the rate of IOPS you get from your volume while your snapshot is pending. Your IOPS rate may also be lower for newly-created volumes. For maximum performance consistency with new volumes, we recommend reading or writing to all of the blocks on your volume before placing it into service.
Another factor that can impact your performance is if your application isn’t sending enough I/O requests. This can be monitored by looking at your volume’s queue depth. The queue depth is the number of pending I/O requests from your application to your volume. For maximum consistency, a Provisioned IOPS volume must maintain an average queue depth (rounded to the nearest whole number) of one for every 500 provisioned IOPS in a minute. For example, for a volume provisioned with 1500 IOPS, the queue depth average must be 3. For more information about ensuring consistent performance of your volumes, see Increasing EBS Performance.

Q: What level of performance consistency can I expect to see from my HDD-backed volumes?
When attached to EBS-optimized instances, Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) and Cold HDD (sc1) volumes are designed to deliver within 10% of the expected throughput performance 99% of the time in a given year. Your exact performance depends on your application’s I/O requirements and the performance of your EC2 instance.
Q: Does the I/O size of my application reads and writes affect the rate of throughput I get from my HDD-backed volumes?
Yes. The throughput rate you get depends on the I/O size of your application reads and writes. HDD-backed volumes process reads and writes in I/O sizes of 1MB. Sequential I/Os are merged and processed as 1 MB units while each non-sequential I/O is processed as 1MB even if the actual I/O size is smaller. Thus, while a transactional workload with small, random IOs, such as a database, won't perform well on HDD-backed volumes, sequential I/Os and large I/O sizes will achieve the advertised performance of st1 and sc1 for a longer period of time.
Q: What factors can affect the performance consistency of my HDD-backed volumes?
Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) and Cold HDD (sc1) volumes attached to EBS-optimized instances are designed to offer consistent performance, delivering within 10% of the expected throughput performance 99% of the time in a given year. There are several factors that could affect the level of consistency you see. For example, the relative balance between random and sequential I/O operations on the volume can impact your performance. Too many random small I/O operations will quickly deplete your I/O credits and lower your performance down to the baseline rate. Your throughput rate may also be lower depending on the instance selected. Although st1 can drive throughput up to 500 MB/s, performance will be limited by the separate instance-level limit for EBS traffic. Another factor is taking a snapshot which will decrease expected write performance down to the baseline rate, until the snapshot completes. This is specific to st1 and sc1.
Your performance can also be impacted if your application isn’t sending enough I/O requests. This can be monitored by looking at your volume’s queue depth and I/O size. The queue depth is the number of pending I/O requests from your application to your volume. For maximum consistency, HDD-backed volumes must maintain an average queue depth (rounded to the nearest whole number) of four or more for every 1 MB sequential I/O. For more information about ensuring consistent performance of your volumes, see Increasing EBS Performance.
Q: Can I stripe multiple volumes together to get better performance?
Yes. You can stripe multiple volumes together to achieve up to 48,000 IOPS or 800 MB/s when attached to larger EC2 instances. However, performance for st1 and sc1 scales linearly with volume size so there may not be as much of a benefit to stripe these volumes together.

Q: Will I be able to access my snapshots using the regular Amazon S3 API?
No, snapshots are only available through the Amazon EC2 API.
Q: Do volumes need to be un-mounted to take a snapshot?
No, snapshots can be done in real time while the volume is attached and in use. However, snapshots only capture data that has been written to your Amazon EBS volume, which might exclude any data that has been locally cached by your application or OS. To ensure consistent snapshots on volumes attached to an instance, we recommend detaching the volume cleanly, issuing the snapshot command, and then reattaching the volume. For Amazon EBS volumes that serve as root devices, we recommend shutting down the machine to take a clean snapshot.
Q: Does it take longer to snapshot an entire 16 TB volume as compared to an entire 1 TB volume?
No, an EBS Snapshot of an entire 16 TB volume is designed to take no longer than the time it takes to snapshot an entire 1 TB volume.
Q: Are snapshots versioned? Can I read an older snapshot to do a point-in-time recovery?
Each snapshot is given a unique identifier, and customers can create volumes based on any of their existing snapshots.
Q: How can I discover Amazon EBS snapshots that are shared with me?
You can find snapshots that are shared with you by selecting Private Snapshots from the list in the Snapshots section of the AWS Management Console. This section lists both snapshots that you own and snapshots that are shared with you.
Q: How can I find which Amazon EBS snapshots are shared globally?
You can find snapshots that are shared globally by selecting Public Snapshots from the list in the Snapshots section of the AWS Management Console.
Q: How can I find a list of Amazon public data sets?
All information on public data sets is available in our Public Data Sets resource center. You can also find public data sets by selecting Amazon Snapshots from the list in the Snapshots section of the AWS Management Console.

Q: What is Amazon EBS encryption?
Amazon EBS encryption offers seamless encryption of EBS data volumes, boot volumes and snapshots, eliminating the need to build and maintain a secure key management infrastructure. EBS encryption enables data at rest security by encrypting your data using Amazon-managed keys, or keys you create and manage using the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). The encryption occurs on the servers that host EC2 instances, providing encryption of data as it moves between EC2 instances and EBS storage. For more details, see Amazon EBS encryption in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
Q: What is the AWS Key Management Service (KMS)?
AWS KMS is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data. AWS Key Management Service is integrated with other AWS services including Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, and Amazon Redshift, to make it simple to encrypt your data with encryption keys that you manage. AWS Key Management Service is also integrated with AWS CloudTrail to provide you with logs of all key usage to help meet your regulatory and compliance needs. To learn more about KMS, visit the AWS Key Management Service product page.
Q: Why should I use EBS encryption?
You can use Amazon EBS encryption to meet security and encryption compliance requirements for data at rest encryption in the cloud. Pairing encryption with existing IAM access control policies improves your company’s defense-in-depth strategy.
Q: How are my Amazon EBS encryption keys managed?
Amazon EBS encryption handles key management for you. Each newly created volume gets a unique 256-bit AES key; Volumes created from the encrypted snapshots share the key. These keys are protected by our own key management infrastructure, which implements strong logical and physical security controls to prevent unauthorized access. Your data and associated keys are encrypted using the industry-standard AES-256 algorithm.
Q: Does EBS encryption support boot volumes?

Q: Will I be billed for the IOPS provisioned on a Provisioned IOPS volume when it is disconnected from an instance ?
Yes, you will be billed for the IOPS provisioned when it is disconnected from an instance. When a volume is detached, we recommend you consider creating a snapshot and deleting the volume to reduce costs. For more information, see the "Underutilized Amazon EBS Volumes" cost optimization check in Trusted Advisor.  This item checks your Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume configurations and warns when volumes appear to be underused.
Q: Do your prices include taxes?
Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.

Q: What is changing?
EC2 instance and reservation IDs, and volume and snapshot IDs for EBS and Storage Gateway, are changing to a longer format. The transition to longer instance and reservation IDs started in January 2016 and will last through early December 2016, and the transition to longer volume and snapshot IDs started in April 2016 and will last through early December 2016. During this time, you can choose which ID format these resources are assigned, and you can update your management tools and scripts to add support for the longer format. After early December 2016, all newly created instances, reservations, volumes, and snapshots will be required to use the longer ID format.
The new format will only apply to newly created resources; your existing resources won’t be affected. Visit the AWS Blog for a step-by-step overview of how to opt in to longer IDs.
Q: Will I need to upgrade to a new version of the AWS SDKs or CLI?
To use the AWS CLI and SDKs with longer IDs, you must upgrade to the following versions:
- PHPv2: Must upgrade to v2.8.27+
- PHPv3: Must upgrade to v3.15.0+
- CLI: Must upgrade to v1.10.2+
- Boto3: Must upgrade to v1.2.1+
- Botocore: Must upgrade to v1.3.24+
The following SDKs are fully compatible with longer IDs and do not need to be upgraded: PHP v1, Boto v1, Boto v2, Ruby v1, Ruby v2, JavaScript, Java, .NET, AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, and Go.
For all tools, if you wish to use the new ModifyIdFormat and DescribeIdFormat APIs, you will need to update your tools to receive the new APIs starting in January 2016.
Q: What will the new identifier format look like?
The new identifier format will follow the pattern of the current identifier format, but it will be longer. The new format will be -<17 characters="">, e.g. “i-1234567890abcdef0” for EC2 instances or “snap-1234567890abcdef0” for EBS snapshots.
An example of the new instance ID format in the EC2 Console is shown below. 

Q: Why is this necessary?
We need to do this given how fast AWS is continuing to grow; we will start to run low on IDs for certain EC2 and EBS resources within a year or so. In order to enable the long-term, uninterrupted creation of new instances, reservations, volumes, and snapshots, we need to introduce a longer ID format for these resources. Additional identifiers might need to expand within the next few years as well.
Q: How does this impact me?
There is a good chance that you won’t need to make any system changes to handle the new format. If you only use the console to manage AWS resources, you might not be impacted at all, but you should still update your settings to use the longer ID format as soon as possible. If you interact with AWS resources via APIs, SDKs, or the AWS CLI, you might be impacted, depending on whether your software makes assumptions about the ID format when validating or persisting resource IDs. If this is the case, you might need to update your systems to handle the new format.
Some failure modes could include:
• If your systems use regular expressions to validate the ID format, you might error if a longer format is encountered.
• If there are expectations about the ID length in your database schemas, you might be unable to store a longer ID.
Depending on the tools you are using, you may need to upgrade to newer versions of the AWS CLI and SDKs. See above for a list of affected tools and compatible versions.
Q: Will this affect existing resources?
No; only resources that are created after you opt in to the longer format will be affected. Once a resource has been assigned an ID (long or short), that ID will never change. Any resource created with the old ID format will always retain its shorter ID, and any resource created with the new format will retain its longer ID, even if you opt back out.
Q: When will this happen?
The roll out timeline for longer instance and reservation IDs is shown below. 
Starting on January 13, 2016, longer EC2 instance and reservation IDs are available for opt-in via APIs and the console. Between January 2016 and December 2016, all accounts can opt in and out of longer instance and reservation IDs as needed for testing.
Starting on April 28, 2016, new accounts default to longer EC2 instance and reservation IDs in every AWS region except Beijing (China) and AWS GovCloud (US), with the option to request the shorter format if needed.
Longer EBS and Storage Gateway volume and snapshot IDs are available from April 25, 2016 for opt-in via APIs and the Console. New accounts created in June 2016 or later will default to longer snapshot and volume IDs, with the option to opt out if needed.
Early December 2016 is the deadline to add support for longer IDs. After that point, the option to switch formats will no longer be available, and all newly created instance, reservation, volume, and snapshot IDs will have the longer format.
 Q: Why is the rollout period so long?
We want to give you as much time as possible to test your systems with the new format. A long transition window offers maximum flexibility to test and update your systems incrementally and will help minimize interrupts as you add support for the new format.
Q: What if I prefer to keep receiving the shorter ID format after December 2016?
Unfortunately, this won’t be possible. From December 2016 forward, all new instances, reservations, volumes, and snapshots will receive the longer ID format, regardless of user settings.
Q: How does opting in work? And opting out?
Throughout the transition period (January 2016 to December 2016), you can opt to receive longer or shorter IDs by using the APIs or the EC2 Console. ModifyIdFormat sets the format of instance and reservation IDs, and DescribeIdFormat lets you view your ID format settings. Both APIs apply to the user making the call and are region-specific. ID format settings can be modified per IAM user, region, and resource type. Any IAM user without explicit settings will fall back to the settings of the root account. Usually, after you update your ID format settings, it can take a few minutes for the settings to take effect.
If your testing uncovers issues that you need to address, you can opt back out of the new, longer ID format until your systems are prepared to handle longer IDs. This option will be available until December 2016. From December 2016, the new, longer ID format will become mandatory, and the shorter format will no longer be available.
Q: Can I opt in to longer IDs per IAM role?
Yes, you can use the new modify-Identity-id-format and describe-identity-id-format APIs to control and view how different identities are opted in to using longer IDs. You can choose to opt in to longer IDs on a per-account, per-IAM role, or per-IAM user basis. Opting in by IAM user or role can help you test your systems before opting in your entire account. For more information, see the EC2 User Guide.
Note: In the 2015-10-01 version of the Amazon EC2 API, if you call describe-id-format or modify-id-format using IAM role credentials, the results apply to the entire AWS account, and not the specific IAM role. In the current version of the Amazon EC2 API, the results will correctly apply to the IAM role only. 
Q: What will happen if I take no action?
If you do not opt in to the new format during the transition window, you will be automatically opted in at the final deadline (early December 2016). We do not recommend this approach; it is better to add support for the new format during the transition window, which offers the opportunity for controlled testing.
Q: What is a reservation ID? Do reservation IDs only apply to Reserved Instances?
Reservation IDs apply to all instances, and are different from Reserved Instances. Every instance launched by EC2 has a reservation ID. A reservation ID has a one-to-one relationship with an instance launch request, but can be associated with more than one instance if you launch multiple instances using the same launch request. The reservation ID is returned by the Describe Instances API, and it can be viewed in the EC2 Management Console description of any given instance (see below).
Q: What best practices do you recommend as I test my systems and add support for the new ID formats?
If your software can run under multiple distinct AWS accounts, choose (or create) an AWS account to test with. Alternatively, if your software runs under a single AWS account, choose (or create) an IAM user to test with.

Set your chosen account or IAM user to receive longer IDs, test your software, and make any necessary changes. Note that if one IAM user launches an instance with a longer ID, all other users will be able to see the longer ID in subsequent describe calls, regardless of user-specific opt-in settings. Once you are comfortable that your software will operate as expected, you can opt in all of your accounts and / or users. If any unexpected issues arise, you can opt out until the issues are understood and corrected. This testing procedure will be possible until the December 2016 deadline, when all new instances, reservations, volumes, and snapshots will receive the longer ID format.

Once your software is ready for longer IDs, opt in to longer IDs across all of your accounts, regions and resources. When this is complete, you have transitioned to the new format fully and will not need to take further action.

Q: How do I know when I’ve finished the opt-in process for longer resource IDs?
Once you are done with the testing process described above, opt in to longer IDs across every region and user. Alternatively, you can opt in the root user for every region; this will update the ID format settings for the whole account, as long as no individual IAM users are opted out. You will need to do this separately for each resource type (instances, volumes, reservations, and snapshots). Once this is complete, you are done with the transition process and will not need to make further changes for these resource types. Note that, since existing resources will retain their original IDs, you might see a mix of long IDs (for new resources) and short IDs (for pre-existing resources) when you are done with the opt-in process.
Q: What will be the default ID type for new accounts?
For instances and reservations, accounts created on April 28, 2016 or later will be configured to receive the longer ID format by default in every AWS region except Beijing (China) and AWS GovCloud (US). If you are a new customer, this will make the transition to longer instance and reservation IDs really simple. If you would like your new account to assign the shorter ID format to your resources, then simply reconfigure your account for shorter IDs as described above. This workflow will be necessary until you are ready for your accounts to receive longer IDs.
For volumes and snapshots, accounts created in June 2016 or later will be configured to receive the longer ID format by default, with the option to opt out if necessary until December 2016.
Q: Will you be changing other identifiers?
As AWS continues growing, it’s possible that we will need to increase the ID length of other resources in the future.
Q: Does this apply to Spot instances?
Yes; the longer instance and reservation ID formats will apply to all EC2 instance types.
Q: I’m an EC2 Windows customer; is there anything Windows-specific I need to know?
If you use EC2 instance IDs as part of the computer name for your EC2 Windows instances, please note that Windows will automatically truncate the name to 15 characters to adhere to NetBIOS naming conventions. Due to this truncation behavior, you may see duplicate computer names at 15 characters if you’re using this naming convention. We recommend choosing a unique naming scheme to avoid complications.
Q: How can I opt in new Auto Scaling instances to longer IDs?
Auto Scaling reflects the setting of the root user or what has been configured by the IAM role.
 Q: I use AWS through a third-party tool, what do I need to do to handle longer IDs?
We are working with third parties to ensure the best customer experience, but please work with your ISV to determine their level of support for this change prior to turning on the longer ID format in your account.
Q: If I opt in to longer IDs and then opt back out during the transition window, what will happen to resources that were created with longer IDs?
Once a resource has been assigned an ID it will not change, so resources that are created with longer IDs will retain the longer IDs regardless of later actions. If you opt in to the longer format, create resources, and then opt out, you will see a mix of long and short resource IDs, even after opting out. The only way to get rid of long IDs will be to delete or terminate the respective resources.
For this reason, exercise caution and avoid creating critical resources with the new format until you have tested your tools and automation.
Q: If AWS adds new regions during the transition window, will new regions support both formats?

Yes. All regions will support both formats throughout the transition period. Starting on April 28, 2016, new accounts will default to longer EC2 instance and reservation IDs in every region except Beijing (China) and AWS GovCloud (US), and new accounts will default to the longer volume and snapshot format after June 2016. All existing accounts will default to the shorter ID format until the final deadline except in new regions, where both new and pre-existing accounts will default to the longer ID format.

Q: Which operating systems does an Application Load Balancer support?
An Application Load Balancer supports targets with any operating system currently supported by the Amazon EC2 service.
Q: Which protocols does an Application load balancer support?
An Application Load Balancer supports load balancing of applications using HTTP and HTTPS (Secure HTTP) protocols.
Q: Is HTTP/2 Supported on an Application load balancer?
Yes. HTTP/2 support is enabled natively on an Application Load Balancer. Clients that support HTTP/2 can connect to an Application Load Balancer over TLS.
Q: What TCP ports can I use to load balance?
You can perform load balancing for the following TCP ports: 1-65535
Q: Is WebSockets supported on an Application Load Balancer?
Yes. WebSockets and Secure WebSockets support is available natively and ready for use on an Application Load Balancer.
Q: Does an Application Load Balancer support EC2-Classic?
Q: Will my existing load balancers (Classic Load Balancers) have the same features and benefits of an Application Load Balancer? 
While there is some overlap, we do not plan to maintain feature parity between the two types of load balancers. Application Load Balancers are the foundation of our application layer load-balancing platform for the future.
Q: Can I configure my Amazon EC2 instances to accept traffic only from my Application Load Balancers?
Q: Can I configure a security group for the front-end of an Application Load Balancer?
Q: Can I use the existing APIs that I use with my Classic Load Balancer with an Application Load Balancer? 
No. Application Load Balancers require a new set of APIs.
Q: How do I manage both Application and Standard Load Balancers simultaneously?
The ELB Console will allow you to manage Application and Classic Load Balancers from the same interface. If you are using the CLI or an SDK, you will use a different ‘service’ for Application Load Balancers. For example, in the CLI you will describe your Classic Load Balancers using `aws elb describe-load-balancers` and your Application Load Balancers using `aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers`.
Q: Can I convert my Classic Load Balancer to an Application Load Balancer (and vice versa)?
No, you cannot convert one load balancer type into another.
Q: How do I migrate to an Application Load Balancer?
Attach the same back-end instances to both a Classic Load Balancer and an Application Load Balancer simultaneously. This allows you to migrate traffic from one endpoint to another without altering their existing stack. Be sure to test the behavior of the application on the new platform before changing DNS to point to the Application Load Balancer.
Q: Can I use an Application Load Balancer as a Layer-4 load balancer?
No. If you need Layer-4 features, you should continue to use Classic Load Balancers.
Q: Can I use a single Application Load Balancer for handling HTTP and HTTPS requests?
Yes, you can add listeners for HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443 to a single Application Load Balancer.

Q: Can I get a history of Application Load Balancing API calls made on my account for security analysis and operational troubleshooting purposes?
Yes. To receive a history of Application Load Balancing API calls made on your account, use AWS CloudTrail.
Q: Does an Application Load Balancer support HTTPS termination?
Yes, you can terminate HTTPS connection on the Application Load Balancer. You must install an SSL certificate on your load balancer. The load balancer uses this certificate to terminate the connection and then decrypt requests from clients before sending them to targets.
Q: What are the steps to get a SSL certificate?
You can either use AWS Certificate Manager to provision an SSL/TLS certificate or you can obtain the certificate from other sources by creating the certificate request, getting the certificate request signed by a CA, and then uploading the certificate using the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service.
Q: How does an Application Load Balancer integrate with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)?
An Application Load Balancer is integrated with AWS Certificate Management (ACM). Integration with ACM makes it very simple to bind a certificate to the load balancer thereby making the entire SSL offload process very easy. Purchasing, uploading, and renewing SSL/TLS certificates is a time-consuming manual and complex process. With ACM integration with Application Load Balancer, this whole process has been shortened to simply requesting a trusted SSL/TLS certificate and selecting the ACM certificate to provision it with the load balancer.
Q: Is back-end server authentication supported with an Application Load Balancer?
No, only encryption is supported to the back-ends with an Application Load Balancer.
Q: Is IPv6 supported with an Application Load Balancer?
No, IPv6 is not supported with an Application Load Balancer.
Q: How do you set up rules on an Application Load Balancer?
You can configure rules for each of your listeners you configure for the load balancer. The rules include a condition and a corresponding action if the condition is satisfied. The condition will be a path URL path of a service (e.g. /img) and action is forward. Once you have set this up, the load balancer will use the rules to determine the service to which the request must be routed.
Q: Are there limits on the resources for an Application Load Balancer?
Your AWS account has these limits for an Application Load Balancer.

Pricing FAQs

Q: How does Application load balancer pricing work?
You are charged for each hour or partial hour that an Application load balancer is running and the number of Load Balancer Capacity Units (LCU) used per hour.
Q: What is a Load Balancer Capacity Unit (LCU)?
An LCU is a new metric for determining how you pay for an Application load balancer. An LCU defines the maximum resource consumed in any one of the dimensions (new connections, active connections, and bandwidth) the Application load balancer processes your traffic.
Q: Will I be billed on Classic load balancers by LCU?
No. Classic load balancers will continue to be billed for bandwidth and hourly usage.
Q: How do I know the number of LCUs an Application load balancer is using?
We will expose the usage of all the three dimensions that constitutes a LCU via CloudWatch.
Q: Will I be billed on all the dimensions in an LCU?
No. The number of LCUs per hour will be determined based on maximum resource consumed amongst the three dimensions that constitutes a LCU.
Q: Will I be billed on partial LCUs?
Q: How does the LCU billing work if I am using a 4k certificate?
For applications using a 4K certificate, an LCU will constitute either 5 new connections per second, 3000 active connections per hour, or 2.22 Mbps. You will be charged for maximum resources consumed in any one dimension per hour.
Q: Is a free tier offered on an Application load balancer for new AWS accounts?
Yes. For new AWS accounts, a free tier for an Application load balancer offers 750 hours and 15 LCUs. This free tier offer is only available to new AWS customers, and is available for 12 months following your AWS sign-up date.
Q: Can I use a combination of Application load balancer and Classic load balancer as part of my free tier?
Yes. You can use both Classic and Application load balancers for 15GB and 15 LCUs respectively. The 750 load balancer hours are shared between both Classic and Application load balancers.