· They are the data integrity rules/restrictions which allows only
valid data into tables.
· Through constraints we can fulfill the business requirements
· We provide constraints on tables and even on views.
Constraint keys:
Primary key
Not null
Foreign key
1. Primary key:
It acts as both (unique +not null) which means it won’t allow
duplicate and null values
Implicitly an unique index et defined on primary key columns
These should be only one primary key for an entire table
A P.K can hold maximum of 32 columns(i.e unique index
Materialized view get defined only on tables, which are aving
primary key’s
Generally we call primary key table as master table/parent
2. Unique key:
It allows only unique (null) and values (won’t allow duplicates)
Not null values are allowed through unique constraint
An unique key can hold maximum of 32 columns
3) Not Null: It
won’t allow null values, but allows duplicate values.
Not null constraint are allowed only in columns levels
Views won’t allow not null constraints
4) Check:
restrict/enforce other than standard integrity rules
(Primary key (unique + not null) we
use check constraints.
constraint throws an error only when condition becomes false, won’t throw for
‘true and null’
won’t allow sub queries as a condition
won’t allow user defined functions
Note: Check constraint allows regular
expressions. Views won’t allow
check constraints.
5) Default:
takes default values (if user won’t provide any value to a columns then default
provides default values to columns).
won’t allow sub queries and user defined functions.
6) Foreign key:
a reference integrity constraint (RIC), if ever you provide any value into the
foreign key columns before begin inserted that value will be referred through
F.K with primary/unique column
allows null values for flexibility and allows duplicates
and FK columns names could be different but data types should be
same/compatible, size should also be same.
a. System defined column level (CL)
b. System defined table level (TL)
c. User defined column level
d. User defined table level.
System defined column
SQL> create table con(sno number(5) primary key, name
varchar2(10) unique, bal number(5)
check (bal>5000), id number(5) not null, bank varchar2(10) default ‘sbi’);
SQL> create table con1
(sno number (5) references con(sno), loc varchar2(10));
System defined table
SQL> create table con2(sno number(5), name varchar2(10), bal
number(5), primary key(sno), unique (name), check(bal between 1000 and 5000));
SQL> create table con3(sno number(5), loc varchar2(10),
foreign key(sno) references con2(sno));
Schema: The
logical collection of data structures called ‘schema’.
objects and name spaces:-
also DB object but additionally it acts as schema object for
eg. in schema objects it table has emp name.
User defined column level:
SQL> create table con5(sno number(5) constraint key1 primary
key, name varchar2(10) constraint un1 unique, bal number(10) constraint chk1
check(bal>1000), id number(5) constraint nn1 not null);
SQL> ceate table con6 (sno number (5) constraint keyfl
references con5 (sno), loc varchar2(10));
User defined table level:
SQL> create table con7(sno number(5), name varcar2(10), id
number(5), bal
number(5),constraint keyp2 primary key(sno), constraint un2
unique(name),constraint chk2 check(bal in(1000,2000,3000)));
SQL> create table con9 (constraint key3 primary key (sno),
constraint un3 unique (name),sno number(5),name varchar2(10));
SQL> create table con8 (sno number (5),loc varchar2(10),
constraint keyf2 foreign key(sno) references con7(sno));
Mixed method:
SQL> create table con10 (sno number (5) primary key, loc
varchar2 (10), name varchar2(10), constraint un5(loc));
Advantage of table level
than column level constraints:
comparison is possible in table level which is not in column level
SQL> create table ctab(x number(5),y number(5), check
SQL> create table ctab(x number(5),y number(5)
check(x>y)); //invalid
Self-key: If you refer a FK with in the same
table PK that FK is called as
SQL> create
table selftab(sno number(5) primary key, id number(5) references selftab(sno));
Composite key:
holds more than one column (PK +FK +unique). Whichever the number of columns PK
is having FK also s to contain same number of columns.
SQL> create table bt(sno number(5), loc varchar2(10),name
varchar2(10), constraint comkey primary key(sno,loc));
SQL> create table ct(sno number(5),addr varcar2(10),
constraint comfkey foreignkey(sno, addr) references bt(sno,loc));
SQL> insert into bt(sno,loc) values(10,’x’);
SQL> Insert into ct values (10,’x’);
SQL> Insert into ct values (10,’y’); //invalid
SQL> Insert into ct values (10, null);
SQL> Insert into ct values (20, null);
SQL> create table utab(sno number(5), name
varcar2(10), unique(sno, name));
SQL> Insert into utab values (10,’x’);
SQL> Insert into utab values (10,’y’);
SQL> Insert into utab values (10,’x’); //invalid
SQL> Insert into utab values (10, null);
In the above table
last two rows are unique or same values then null also treat as same at that
time it treats as duplicate record, so won’t allow.
In the above example
null values become equal when all of the non-null values are same.
Defining constraints on
existing table by using alter command:
By using
alter command we can also provide constraints in two levels.
1. Columns level. (inline
2. Table level
(dat_of_line constraints).
Generic sysntax: (not exact syntax)
SQL> alter table
add|modify|disable|enable|validate|nonvalidate|rename|drop|enforce constraint
Note: It is not possible to
add Not Null constraint rather we modify it from Null to Not Null and Not Null to Null by using one alter we
can use ‘n’ number of ‘adds’.
Defining our own index name on a PK column:
SQL> create
table ctab(sno number(5) primary key using index
(create index dex on
if index is already
SQL> create table ctab1 sno number(5) primary key using index
SQL> create table con15(sno number(5), nme varchar2(10), bal number(5));
SQL> alter table con15
add constraint PK15 primary key(sno);
SQL> alter table con15
add unique(name)
add constaint c15
add check(loc
SQL> alter table con15
add foreign key(bal) references con15(sno);
SQL> create table con16(sno number(5)
null); //it is not a constraint
SQL> alter table con16 modify sno
constraint nn15 not null;
SQL> alter table con16 modify sno
SQL> alter tble con15 modify (sno not
null, name unique);
Syn: Alter table
rename constraint oldname to newname;
SQL> create table ct(sno number(5)
constraint kp10 primary key, name varchar2(10) constraint un10 unique);
SQL> alter table ct rename constraint
kp10 to kp11;
we cannot alter more than one column at a time.
Constraint states:
Enable/disable: works
for futex data.
past data.
· But by default enable means enable-validate and disable means
disable no validate.
· While disabling and enabling constraints indexes get dropped and re-created but by using ‘keep index’ we can prevent the index by dropping.
Defining a disabled constraint:
SQL> create
table lb(sno number(5) constraint kp12 primary key disable);
SQL> alter
table lb enable constraint kp12;
SQL> alter
table lb disable constraint kp12;
SQL> alter
table lb enable primary key;
SQL> alter
table lb disable primary key;
Note: Without knowing the name of a PK
unique constraint we can enable and disable and drop the constraints of a
Eg for ‘keep
table lb disable primary key keep index;
table lb enable constraint uk1 unique;
table lb disable constraint(sno,loc);
table lb drop constraint kp12;
SQL>alter table lb
drop unique(sno,name);
Delete rules:
the parent records
parent column and table
PK when it is relation with FK
deleting (while defining FK)
you want to delete the PK record you can not delete because table is in
relation with FK and you have child records so, you can not delete, first you
need to delete child records, these is a chance to delete the records by using
‘on delete cascade’.
tables are in rlation (PK with FK) you can’t delete PK column and PK record and
PK table and PK until unless deleting the CT, but we have the chance to drop
and delete by using one table.
On deleting
cascade: Generally it is not possible to delete the
parent records/master records directly when they are having child records but
by providing ‘on delete cascade’ at the time of FK definition it is possible.
On delete
set null: It
provides null values for department child records while deleting parent record.
constraint: Vary
directly dropping master/parent table and PK column is not possible when they
are in relation with FK , but by using cascade constraint it is possible.
Cascade: If
you to drop/disable PK/unique key constraint when they are in relation with FK
you have use cascade.
SQL> create
table mtab(sno number(5)) constraint kp3 primary key, loc varchar2(10));
SQL> create
table mtab1(sno number(5) constraint kp4 primary key, name varchar2(10));
SQL> create table ctab(sno number(5)
conatrnt fk3 references matb(sno) on delete cascade);
SQL> create table ctab1(sno number(5)
constraint fk4 references mtab(sno) on delete set null);
SQL> insert into mtab(sno)
SQL> insert into mtab(sno)
SQL> insert into ctab(sno)
SQL> insert into ctab(sno)
SQL> insert into ctab(sno)
SQL> delete from mtab where sno=10;
SQL> select * from ctab;
SQL> delete from mtab1 where sno=10;
SQL> select * from ctab1;
SQL> alter table matb drop column
sno; //error
SQL> alter table mtb column sno
cascade constraint;
SQL> drop table mtab; //valid
Note: Ere already we dropped PK column so that table is dropped in the
below statement mtab1 is in relation so, table is not dropped it gives error.
SQL> drop table mtab1; //invalid
SQL> alter table mtab1 drop
constraint pk4;
//error: this unique/PK is
referenced by some FK’s
SQL> alter table mtab1 drop
constraint PK4 cascade; //valid
Constraint checking:
checking is takes place in two ways:
1. Initially immediate(default)
2. Initially deferrable
constraint checking takes place at the individual statements i.e called
‘initially immediate’ which is default.
if constraint checking takes place at the time of transaction is called
‘transaction specific’ we do this with ‘initially deferrable’.
Eg for initially
SQL> create table mtab4(sno number(4)
primary key initially immediate);
SQL> insert into mtab4 values(10);
SQL> insert into mtab4
values(10); //invalid
Error: unique constraint
(apps-sys-c00209..) violated.
SQL> set constraint all deferrable.
Eg for initially deferrable:
SQL> create table mtab5(sno number(5)
constraint keyp primary key deferrable);
SQL> set constraint keyp deferrable;
Note: here
in the (create table) above eg we used deferrable, after that.
Disadvantages of constraints:
Constraints can’t handle varying data, but by using trigger we
can handle varying data.
Constraint can check the old data but trigger’s can’t check the
existing data.(it checks only incoming data)
Constraints are more useful than trigger.
Constraints can give guarantee for centralized data.
Tables regarding with constraints:
Data dictionary tables:
SQL> select table_name,
comment from dict where table_name like ‘%constraint%’,‘%view’;
In dict everything will
be in uppercase
Metadata: data to the
Data dictionary tables
will store in ‘dict’
To find out the column
and total no of column in a given table we use following queries
SQL> select column-id,column-name,table-name from
user-tab-columns where table-name=’emp’;
SQL> select count(column_id) from user_tab_columns where
-> To find out the
constraint_name once we know the table name;
SQL> select
constraint_name, constraint_type, table_name, status,index_name from
user_constraints where table_name=’emp’;
we use following query to find out constraint name and table
name once we know the column name.
SQL> select column_name,table_name,constraint_name from
user_cons_columns where column_name=’sno’;
Primary key -------- P
Unique ------------- U
Check ------------- C
Not null ----------- C
SQL> select
object_name, created, timetamp, status from user_object where
SQL> select
object_type, count(*) from user_objects roup by object_type;
In DICT we will get all
table types information
To know column
identification, constraints, status, and everything we know by using data
dictionary tables it’s vary use full.
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