Oracle Queries on Functions
1. select the average salaries of each department where deptno
is either 'D001' or 'D002' from employee table.
Q. select avg(basic_sal) from employee where dept_no
2. select the name of the lowest paid employee from
the employee table.
Q. select ename from employee where basic_sal=
(select min(basic_sal) from employee);
3. Select the highest paid employee int the employee table.
Q. select ename from employee where basic_sal=
(select max(basic_sal) from employee);
4. Display the total no.of rows in the employee table.
Q. select count(*) from employee;
5. Display only those jobs where max sal>=3000 in the
employee table.
Q. select job from employee where basic_sal>=
(select max(basic_sal) from employee);
6. List the names and hiredates of the employees in
deptno='D002'display the dateformat as 12/03/03'.
Q. select ename,to_char(hiredate,'dd/mm/yy') from employee
where dept_no='D002';
7. List the name of the employees whose hiredate is in
the month of the December using substr function
Q. select ename from employee where substr(hiredate,4,3)
8. Count the number of people in departnumber 'D003'
Q. select count(*) from employee where dept_no='D003';
9. Produce the following output using employee table
Q. select ename ||'(' ||job||')' as "Employee" from employee
where ename='Kim' or ename='Bruce';
10. Find out the difference between highest and lowest
Q. select max(basic_sal)-min(basic_sal) from employee;
11. How many months has the manager worked for the company
(Round value)
Q. select count( round(to_date(hiredate),'Month'))
from employee where job='Manager';
12. Display the top three earners with name and salary in
the company
13. Display the sin and sinh value of 45
Q. select sin(45),sinh(45) from dual;
14. Display the ascii value of 'ORACLE'
Q. select ascii('ORACLE') from dual;
15. Display all job types in lower case
Q. select lower(job) from employee;
16. Select those clients whose bal_due is greater than value
2000 from client_mast table.
Q. select name,bal_due from client_mast where bal_due>2000;
17. Calculate the average price of all the products from
Product_mast table.
Q. select avg(cost_price) from product_mast;
18. calculate the maximum and minimum product prices and
rename the output as max_price and min_price respectively
from product_mast table.
Q. select max(cost_price) as "max_price",
min(cost_price) as "min_price" from product_mast ;
19. Count the number of products having price greater than
or equal to 1200.
Q. select count(*) from product_mast where cost_price>=1200;
20. Display employee number and day on which employee hired
from employee table.
Q. select empno,to_char(to_date(hiredate),'DAY') as Day
from employee;
21. Display the total no.of working days of each employee
from employee table.
Q. select ename as "Name",months_between(sysdate,hiredate) as
"No.of days" from employee;
22. Display the date, 20 days after today's date.
Q. select sysdate+20 from dual;
23. Count all distinct job types from employee table.
Q. select count(distinct job) from employee;
24. Using LPAD function pad the job types with 15 characters
by '*' symbol
Q. select lpad(job,15,'*') job from employee;
25. Display the length of each employee name from employee
Q. select length(ename) from employee;
26. Display the value of 3 raised to 4 using power function
Q. select power(4,3) from dual;
27. Display the square root of 81
Q. select sqrt(81) from dual;
28. Display the number of bytes used by ename from employee
Q. select vsize(ename) from employee;
29. Display the ename those are having sound like Kim from
employee table.
Q. select soundex('Kim') from employee;
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