
      ·         Indexes are the database objects, defined on table columns, which makes the optimizer work easy

      ·         Indexes are useful to enhances the performance oracle by default make use of index’s for data maintenance

      ·         Defining an index won’t give any guarantee for its usage it all depends on how optimizer chooses

      ·         Defining excess of indexes is not appropriate or preferable

      ·         If you define an index on a column index stores that column data along with rowid’s

      ·         If you provide a condition on index column now optimizer will search the index column data with the help of rowed it identifies the table record vary directly instead of scanning entire table data

      ·         Define indexes on column which are frequently used in where and order by clauses

      ·         Optimizer search the indexes based on column ‘selectivity’s’.

  • Selectivity:
                   More selectivity=less duplicity
                   Less selectivity=more duplicity

·         Columns which are having more selectivity are good choice for indexes

·         We can define n no of indexes on table columns

·         More no of indexes are useful for select statement but for DML operations it is not useful since it hinders the performance.

·         Equal operator readily invokes the column indexes whenever you use the index column in where clause with equal operator

·         Not equal to(!=) will not invoke the indexes(performance degrades)

·         Like operator will not invoke the indexes when ‘%’ is at leading position (or) starting character.

·         Function won’t allow the indexes to make use of it unless it is a functional index

Here all sql statements are make use of optimizer and optimizer is nothing but DBMS set of programs it choosing optimizer.

·         LOBRAW and column won’t allow indexes

·         Indexes will get automatically defined on a columns which are having unique and FK constraint. An index can hold maximum of 32 columns but in each bit map index it is 30

·         Oracle by default make use of B+ tree index

·         Indexes won’t store null values except bitmap index

·         When you drop the table with it, indexes also get dropped

·         Bitmap indexes are useful for flag columns(less selectivity, high duplicity)

SQL> select  /*+hint */
Here it providing hint to query for multiline comment

SQL> select count(*) from emp;

SQL> select count(1) from emp;

SQL> select count(rowed) from emp;

SQL> select * from t where c2=’balu’;

based on rowed concept data will pick up directly and get displayed instead of total table scan

Types of indexes:

·         B tree index  (less duplicate)

·         Bitmap index (more duplicate )

·         Unique index

·         Simple

·         Complex/composite index

·         Functional index

·         Cluster index

Simple index:

·         If you define an index on single column those indexes are called simple indexes

o   SQL>create index indsql on emp(sal);

·         To find out whether the optimizer has chosen the index (or) not we have a DML command called ‘explain plan’

·         With the help of explain plan you can find out the path choosen by the optimizer

·         Explain plan populates the plan table with optimizer information (or) explain plan will make use of plan table for optimizer information

·         So, to find out whether the optimizer preferred index or not we use ‘explain plan’

SQL>  explain plan for select * from emp where sal>1000;

Output:  explained

SQL>  desc plan_table;
select operation, options, object_name, search_columns from plan_table where object_name=’emp’;

Here optimizer choosen the index by making use of rowed, if index is dropped, then full table scan occurs

Table access
By index rowed

Once we drop the index optimizer go for complete table scan as shown in the following

SQL> drop index indsal;

SQL> delete from plan_table;

SQL> explain plan for select * from emp where sal>1000;

Table access
Full(complete table scan)

Complex index:

In this we define indexes on more than one column

Note: Defining an index on indexed column is not possible

SQL> create index indsql on emp(sal);       //invalid

SQL> create index comind on emp(sal,deptno);

SQL> select * from emp where sal>2000 and deptno>10;

SQL> select * from emp where deptno>10;

Note: Here optimizer will make use of index even through you won’t
mention all the index column in where clause this is due to because of ‘skip
column’ mechanism

unique index:

To define an unique index on a column that column should not contain
duplicate values.

Note: Without using PK and unique constraints we can restrict the user not to provide duplicate values on a column by providing unique index immediately after defining a table

          Attempting on define unique index on a column which is having duplicate
data ends in error.

     SQL> create unique index uniindex on emp(ename);

Non-unique index:  If index is creating on duplicate values i.e

SQL> create unique index unidex2 on emp(deptno);

It is invalid statement because deptno is having duplicate data

Bitmap index:

SQL> create bitmap index bindex on emp(deptno);

Cluster index:

·         It is  logical memory area in which related and frequently tables are placed together binding with a cluster common column

·         The concept of cluster and cluster indexes is useful to increase the performance.

SQL> create cluster cl(sno number(5));

SQL> create table cltab(sno number(5), loc varchar2(10)) cluster cl(sno);

SQL> create table cltab1(sno number(5),name varchar2(10)) cluster cl(sno);

SQL> create index clindex on cluster cl;

SQL> desc user_ind_columns;

Regular expressions(10g):

It is simply called as pattern. They are the sequence of characters which
specifies the pattern in a given string. To make the complex search easy
we have regular expressions.

1.   Regexp_instr

·         It displays the strating character (or) end character position based on the occurance (or) it is an extension to ‘instring’

2.   Regexp substr

3.   Regexp replace

4.   Regexp like

5.   Regexp count(11g)

·         Displays the set of characters from a given string when characters are matched with pattern (or) extension to ‘substr’.

·         Replace the text with another text when pattern is matched in given string

·         It simply returns Boolean value after performing a match if match is found return true else null.

Meta characters:

·        ---------------------   Any single character

?   --------- Zero or one character

+  --------- One or more characters

*        --------------------  Zero or more characters

/   --------- Alternate symbol

[…]  ------- To specify optional characters

()  --------- Grouping an expression

^ ---------- Anchors the starting character of line

$   --------- Anchors the end character of line




{m} ------ Match exactly m characters

{m,} ----- Has to match minimum m and more no of characters

{m.n} ---- Has to match m to n no of characters

\n --------- Specifies nth  expression

\  ---------  Simply stands for backslash and also works as escape character

[:alnum:] ---- Represents alpha numeric

[.:alpha:] ---- Represents alpha characters only

[:digit:] ------ Represents only digits

[:punct!] ----- Represents punctuation

[:cntrl:] ------ Represents control characters

[:upper:] ----  Represents upper cases

[:lower:] ----- Represents lower cases

[:print:] ------ Represents printable character

[:space:] ----- Represents space

[:graph] ------ Represents graphical characters

      [0-9] -------- Range of digits

      [1-9] -------- Range of digits

      [A-Z] -------- Range of characters in upper case

      [a-z] -------- Range of characters in lower case

      [^…..] ------ Negation

      [.coll.] ------ Specifie collation

      [=eq=] ----- Equivalent

\d --------- Digit

\D --------  Non digit

\w -------- Word

\W -------  Non word

\s --------- Space

\S --------- No space





Match parameter:

                    I ------------ Case insensitive

                    C ----------- Case sensitive  (default)

                    M ----------- Multiline

                    N ----------- Newline

                    X ----------- Ignore space







Str-source string




Ropt-return option(0,1) default 0

Mp-match parameter(I,c,m,n,x)


Reppatt-replace pattern


SQL>  select regexp-substr(name,’(\(\d{3}\)[-/.])(\/’) from regtab;

SQL>  select regexp-substr(name,’\(\d{3}\)[-1.]\(\d{3}\)[-/.]\(\d{3}\)’)

Output:  (123)-(456)-(789)

SQL>  select rgexp-replace(‘x@gmail.comy@gmail.com’,’@’,’#’,1,1) from dual;

SQL>  select rgexp-replace(‘x@gmail.comy@gmail.com’,’@’,’#’,1,2) from dual;

SQL>  select rgexp-replace(‘x@gmail.comy@gmail.com’,’@’,’#’) from dual;

         Note:  If you don’t mention position and occurance it replaces with # 
wherever @ is there.

1.   X # gmail.com y@gmail.com

2.   x@gmail.com y#gmail.com

3.   X#gmail.com y#gmail.com

SQL>  select regexp_instr(‘x@gmail.com y@gmail.com’,’@’,1,1,0) from dual;

SQL>  select regexp-instr(‘x@gmail.com y@gmail.com’,’@’,’1,1,1);

SQL>  select * from regtab where regexp-like(name,’a/x’);

SQL>  select * from regtab where regexp-like(name,’^a/^b’);

        Note: We’ve to use regular expressions in where clause

Regular expressions are useful in following things:


               ·         Regular expression always looks for true condition, else return null.

SQL>  select ename from emp where ename like ‘A%’ or ename like ‘s%’;

SQL>  select ename from emp where regexp-like(ename,’^A/^s’);

SQL>  select * from regtab where regexp-like(name,’\s’);

SQL>  select * from regtab where regexp-like(name,’\s’);

SQL>  select * from regtab where regexp-like(name,’\d’);

SQL>  select regexp-count(‘welcome’,’E’,1) from dual;

·         It counts the records in a given string and if there is no match it returns ‘0’

         SQL> select regexp-substr(‘abc’,’a b c’,1,1,’y’) from dual;

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