Delete, Commit, Rollback and Renaming A Table
Q. delete from salesman_mast where sal_amount=2000;
2. Write a query to undo the above delete query.
Q. rollback;
Q. delete from product_mast where qty_available=100 ;
4. Write a query such that the above query cannot be undone.
Q. commit;
Q. delete from client_mast where state='Illinois';
Q. delete from employee where basic_sal<2000 br="">
7. Write a query to mark the above two queries such that the first
operation is undo
Q. savepoint d1;
delete from client_mast
where state='Illinois';
rollback to d1;
Rs.3000 and job='clerk'.
Q. delete from employee where basic_sal=3000 and job='Clerk';
Q. delete from employee where job='Clerk' or job='Manager';
Q. delete from depttable;
Q. delete from employee
where job='Manager' or
job='salesman' and basic_sal>1500;
12. Delete all employee name, job and department number of everyone
13. Write a query so the the following statement can be delivered 'Kim is
Q. select ename || ' is
working as ' || job ||'since'
|| hiredate from
employee where ename='Kim';
14. Rename the table name from client_mast to T_client_mast.
Q. rename client_mast to
15. Write a query the column name 'name' should be displayed as
employee name
Q. select ename as
"Name" from employee;
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