They are
the alternate names to tables, views, synonyms and so on……
They are virtual/mirror objects
Useful in frontend application and to hide the table owner name
Useful in distribution databases
They don’t have their own structure(it won’t occupy any memory
They are simply logical names
They again depends on base tables for SQL statements
It is not possible to alter the structure of base table by using
We can define synonym on another synonym
A table can have ‘n’ no of synonyms but each synonym can be
defined only on single table, which means a synonym can’t hold more than one
We can also define synonym on non_exixting objects
It is not possible to hide partial part of table data by using
synonym like views
They are two types of synonyms
a. Public synonym
b. Private synonym
Private synonym share the same table name space
Public synonym does not share same table name space, so we can
define public synonym names with table names
If you drop the synonym base table won’t get effect but, if you
drop base table , synonym becomes invalid
Syn: SQL> create [public]
synonym for ;
Synonym and views are subjected to table constraints
We can’t create synonym for constraints
Distribution database objects means more than one database
SQL> select
* from newtab;
SQL> create
synonym s for newtab;
SQL> select
* from s;
SQL> insert
into s values(20,’a’,’hyd’);
SQL> insert
into s(sno,name) values(50,’x’);
SQL> select
* from s;
SQL> create
or replace synonym s1 for s;
SQL> select
* from s1;
SQL> drop
synonym s;
SQL> select*
from s1;
SQL> create
synonym s for newtab;
SQL> select
* from s1;
SQL> drop
table newtab;
SQL> select
* from s1;
SQL> create
public synonym emp for emp;
SQL> select
* from DICT where like ‘%synonym%’;
SQL> desc
SQL> desc
SQL> select
table_name from user_synonyms where synonym_name= ‘s’;
SQL> select
synonym_name from user_synonym where table_name=’emp’;
Table name
Synonym name
Finding out
the synonym for other synonym
table_name from user_synonym where synonym_name=’1’;
synonym on non-existing object:
SQL> select
* from dx; //there is no table
SQL> create
synonym snd for dx; //synonym
Note: Table/view is not existed
for dx, but synonym created we can do this.
SQL> select
* from sno; //synonym transaction
is no longer vlid
SQL> create
table dx(sno number(5));
SQL> select
* from sno;
SQL> insert
into dx values(10);
SQL> select
* from sno;
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