54. Global Temporary Tables, GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses

SQL: Global Temporary Tables

Global temporary tables are distinct within SQL sessions.
The basic syntax is:


For Example:

not null,

not null,



This would create a global temporary table called supplier .


The GROUP BY clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns.

The syntax for the GROUP BY clause is:

SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n;

aggregate_function can be a function such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, or MAX.

Example using the SUM function:
For example, you could also use the SUM function to return the name of the department and the total sales (in the associated department).

SELECT department, SUM(sales) as "Total sales"
FROM order_details
GROUP BY department;

Because you have listed one column in your SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the SUM function, you must use a GROUP BY clause. The department field must, therefore, be listed in the GROUP BY section.

Example using the COUNT function:
For example, you could use the COUNT function to return the name of the department and the number of employees (in the associated department) that make over $25,000 / year.

SELECT department, COUNT(*) as "Number of employees"
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 25000
GROUP BY department;

Example using the MIN function:
For example, you could also use the MIN function to return the name of each department and the minimum salary in the department.

SELECT department, MIN(salary) as "Lowest salary"
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;

Example using the MAX function:
For example, you could also use the MAX function to return the name of each department and the maximum salary in the department.

SELECT department, MAX(salary) as "Highest salary"
FROM employees
GROUP BY department;


The HAVING clause is used in combination with the GROUP BY clause. It can be used in a SELECT statement to filter the records that a GROUP BY returns.

The syntax for the HAVING clause is:

SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n
HAVING condition1 ... condition_n;

aggregate_function can be a function such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, or MAX.

Example using the SUM function:
For example, you could also use the SUM function to return the name of the department and the total sales (in the associated department). The HAVING clause will filter the results so that only departments with sales greater than $1000 will be returned.

SELECT department, SUM(sales) as "Total sales"
FROM order_details
GROUP BY department
HAVING SUM(sales) > 1000;

Example using the COUNT function:
For example, you could use the COUNT function to return the name of the department and the number of employees (in the associated department) that make over $25,000 / year. The HAVING clause will filter the results so that only departments with more than 10 employees will be returned.

SELECT department, COUNT(*) as "Number of employees"
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 25000
GROUP BY department

Example using the MIN function:
For example, you could also use the MIN function to return the name of each department and the minimum salary in the department. The HAVING clause will return only those departments where the starting salary is $35,000.

SELECT department, MIN(salary) as "Lowest salary"
FROM employees
GROUP BY department
HAVING MIN(salary) = 35000;

Example using the MAX function:
For example, you could also use the MAX function to return the name of each department and the maximum salary in the department. The HAVING clause will return only those departments whose maximum salary is less than $50,000.

SELECT department, MAX(salary) as "Highest salary"
FROM employees
GROUP BY department
HAVING MAX(salary) < 50000;

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